Saturday, March 26, 2011

Faded Photograph

Mom and I went to Mimi, my grandmother's, house the other day to look through all of her photo albums. We were going to try to sort through and organize them - ha! That's going to take a lot longer than one afternoon. I'm glad, though. If you're going to keep a lot of something, photos are great. I brought a few albums home to scan this week. Just the tip of the iceberg.

These are from an album that, I believe, belonged to Mimi's mother; that's my great grandmother. All fun pics from the late 20s/early 30s.

They look like some pretty fun, stylish peeps. I wish I could have some of those dresses.


~ Boring clothes, but AWESOME dinner that I made up all by myself. I made pasta and cooled it for pasta salad. Meanwhile I browned some Italian sausage. Added that to the pasta with spinach, feta, and Greek dressing. Yum! And it was all stuff I had on hand. Music: Florence + the Machine.

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